Plastic, Printing & Packaging Advertisers

Total 46 companies found.

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Featured Companies
  • Scan Holdings- Easy Open Ends, Penny Lever Lid, Spray dried coffee, Freeze dried coffee powder, Agglomerated Coffee, Beer Cans, Beer Neck Foils
  • /
  • Unipak Nile - Manufacturer of Corrugated Boxes & Displays - Egypt

Complete List  

Advertisers in previous issue:

  • Unipak Nile Ltd. manufactures corrugated containers, carton packaging, high-graphics shelf-ready packaging, and promotional point-of-purchase displays and counter stands.
  • Shree Ambica Industries is one of the most dynamic, technology driven company, which offers tailor made packaging solutions
  •  Paperex – ‘12th International Exhibition & Conference on Pulp & Paper Industry
  • Radhekrishna, a leading mechanical engineering enterprise in India,
  •  At Maple Leaf Plastic, we specialize in offering great savings to our customers by creating customized solutions to suit their individual needs.
  •  PANASIA TECH is a Hong Kong based company with various Original Equipment Manufacturing partners in Mainland China and India.
  • Rawasy Al Khaleej Plastic Ind. is an integrated packaging company manufacturing rigid & flexible packaging products.
  • The   Stratex    company   was  founded  in  2002  in  response  to  the  urgent  needs of  Western humanitarian aid organizations in  Central  Asia.
  • LOHIA CORP LIMITED formerly known as Lohia Starlinger Limited started in the year 1981 to address the flexible packaging needs of various sectors of industry in India
  •  Static Control Components is the world
  •  Ipex is dedicated to managing the brands of world leading printing & related machinery manufacturers ensuring that we supply machinery from manufacturers of technologically advanced equipment, tailor-made for the Printing, Packaging and   Converting
  • Plastic products
  • Products includes adhesive tapes, masking tapes etc
  • Directed its efforts towards the needs of developing countries of Central, Middle Asia and East Africa for shipping of Packing Equipment and materials for food, beverages, household chemicals and cooking oil industry
  • Nile Trade Fairs focuses in International trade fairs & conferences to be ideal platforms for foreign and local companies doing business in the Middle East
  • IGT Testing Systems specializes on Development, manufacturing and marketing of printability testing equipment and tack testing instruments for the worldwide paper industry, printing industry, graphical arts, plastic-, paint, ink and   coating industr
  • Astro films, a quality conscious film manufacturer offer the best quality product in packaging film spectrum.
  • Manufacturing and sales of flexible plastic packaging, multilayer packaging, B.O.P.P Metalized film for food grade packages etc.
  • Preparing the PE raw materials in the shape of powder.
  • Vuega Packaging Industries is a leading supplier of industrial & consumer packaging solutions in UAE.
  • Manufacturer exporter of Paper Converted Stationery Products for the School & Office Segment.
  • Proven, high quality, reliable and cost effective solution for a wide variety of coding & marking applications.
  • HP Indigo digital press, a division of HP, Hewlett Packard, is the world’s leading provider of high end, high quality, color digital printing solutions.
  • Machines
  • Injection molding machines
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